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Module 3.2.3 – Getting Started: Basic Building Blocks: Basic Text Blocks: List

A “List” block allows content editors to create a bulleted or numbered list on pages or posts. This function is especially useful for providing project outlines, mission statements, or step-by-step instructions. The “Try It Out” section at the end of this page is an example of a list block.


1. Add the “List” block using the block menu.

Add a list block

2. Use the text editing toolbar to choose if your list is “Unordered”(bullets) or “Ordered” (numbers).

add a list - ordered or unordered

3. If your list is ordered, you can change the start value of the list using the block settings menu. You can also toggle the “Reverse List Numbering” switch to reverse the order of numbers.

4. To add a new item to the list, press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.

5. To indent a list item, use the indenting options presented on the text editing menu.

Indent list item

Video Tutorial

Try it Out

Now that you have learned about the List block, it’s time to try it out!

  1. Add a List block to your page or post and add several items to the list.
  2. Convert it to an ordered list.
  3. Try reversing the list numbering and changing the start value.
  4. Indent list items.