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How to Add Blocks

Module 3.1 – Getting Started: Basic Building Blocks: How to Add Blocks

Blocks are used to present content on pages or posts in several ways. They can contain a variety of information and are all designed uniquely, so there is always a block that will match your needs.

When creating a page or post, you will use blocks to present text, images, videos, and more. One way to think of it is like you’re putting together a virtual puzzle or scrapbook, uniquely presenting information in an aesthetically pleasing, organized way.

If you’re repeatedly adding the same content to the same block or group of blocks, you can create reusable blocks. With reusable blocks, you can save a block (or a group of blocks) to use later in any post or page on your site.

There are all kinds of different content blocks that you’ll learn about in detail throughout this training. For now, we’re just going to focus on how to add and remove blocks.


There are multiple ways that you can add a block. You can

Add a Block using the Block Menu

  1. To open the Block Menu, click the 1) Block Inserter from the Editor Toolbar, 2) Add Block button in the editing area, or 3) Hover between blocks until the + appears. Look for the + sign.
Add a block
  1. Once you’ve pulled up the Block Menu, you can search and select blocks.
    • To search for a block, type in its name, or keywords that might relate to it. For example, if I wanted to add pictures, I could type in “image” and see all of the image blocks.
    • To select or add a block, simply click on it and it will be added to your page or post.
Block menu

Add a Block using a Keyboard Shortcut

Once you’re comfortable with the names of the different blocks, it might be easier to add them by typing in a shortcut. To do this:

  1. Click on an empty paragraph block.
  2. Type “/” followed by the name of the block you are looking for, or keywords that might be attached to it.
  3. Click on the block to add it to your page or post.

3. Adding a Block by Hovering Between Blocks

Remove a Block

  1. To remove a block you’ve added, click on it and navigate to the text editing menu. Once you’re here, click on the ellipsis (three dots).
  2. This will display more options. At the bottom of the new menu that appears, click on “Delete.” To delete multiple blocks, highlight each of them and complete the same process.
Delete a block

Video Tutorial

Try it Out

Now that you have learned the basics about adding and removing blocks, it’s time to try it out!

  1. In a new page or post, add a block using the Block Inserter.
  2. Add a block by typing in the shortcut manually.
  3. Remove the blocks you just added.