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Module 1.2 – Mastery: Text Blocks: Columns

Columns allow you to break up text across two columns on your web pages. This can make your content easier to read as well as more visually appealing.

For example:

Columns block example


1. Add a Columns block using the block menu.

Add columns block

2. Enter text in each of the left and right columns. You can add paragraph, heading, quote and list blocks within each column.

Columns block

3. To select the parent (column block), click the menu options from the block editor and then Select parent block (Columns). This makes it easier to delete the entire columns block in one shot.

Select Parent block

Video Tutorial

Try it Out

Now that you have learned how to work with the quote block, it’s time to try it out!

  1. Add a columns block to your page
  2. Add a heading and some text to each column
  3. Add a button
  4. Delete the columns block