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Alerts Block

Module 2.2 – Mastery: Design Blocks: Alerts Block

The alerts block is useful for highlighting an important message to your website visitors.


1. Add the Alerts block using the block menu.

Add alert block

2. Click the pencil icon in the block context menu to choose the type of block: Success, Error, Warning, Info. Each type of block is a different colour and has a different icon based on its purpose. (See examples of each below)

Context menu for alert block

Alert Box Examples


Example of a success alerts block


Example of an error alerts block


Example of a warning alerts block


Example of an info alerts block

3. Click in the title area to add a title.

Title area of info alert

4. Click in the description area to add a sentence or two. Note you can also add a hyperlink in this area to take the user to more info.

Description area of info alert

Video Tutorial

Try it Out

Now that you have learned how to work with the alert block, it’s time to try it out!

  1. Add an info alerts block to your page.
  2. Add a title and a description.
  3. Convert the block to an error alert.