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Form Confirmations

Module 5.2 – Mastery: Forms: Form Confirmations

When a user submits a form, they will be presented with a message onscreen, or directed to a new page with a message. By default, this message lets them know that the form has been successfully submitted. You can easily customize your confirmation message.


1. To access confirmations, hover over Settings then click Confirmations.

confirmations menu

2. Either add a new confirmation or edit the existing default confirmation message.

Confirmation message

3. Next to Confirmation Type, you can choose where the user is sent after submitting your form.

Confirmation Type

4. Don’t forget to save your changes!

Save confirmation utton

For detailed information on configuring confirmations, please visit the Gravity Forms documentation site.

Video Tutorial

Try it Out!

  1. Create a new confirmation
  2. Make it so that it will appear onscreen to the user
  3. Change the default message
  4. Save your changes (we’ll test things out in module 4 of this tutorial!)