Posts sorted by News
Congratulations to Mohamed Emara on his Senate Medal
The Department of Electronics is pleased to announce that Mohamed Emara has been awarded the Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic…
Carleton’s Winnie Ye Elected Chair of the IEEE Women in Engineering Committee
Congratulations to Dr Pavel Cheben on being elected to the International Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering
Carleton researchers invent rapid saliva test that can provide early detection for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
PhD Student Joao Guilherme Nizer Rahmeier won Best Paper Award
Congratulations to PhD student Joao Guilherme Nizer Rahmeier. He won the best student paper award at the 17th European Conference…
Book Announcement: Experiential Learning in Engineering Education
A new book is released today (28th April 2023) by Prof Alan Steele of the Department of Electronics. The book…
Congratulations to Professor Nakhla, Emad Gad and Ye Tao on best IEEE Transactions paper - Fast and Stable Circuit Simulation via Interpolation-Supported Numerical Inversion of the Laplace Transform.
Detecting Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Early Researchers Create Non-Invasive Tool That Uses Saliva
PhD student Shakeeb Abdullah wins Best Paper/Presentation
Congratulations to PhD student Shakeeb Abdullah, supervised by Dr. Rony E. Amaya. Won the best paper and presentation award at…
PhD student Shahrzad Khajavi wins Best Student Presentation
PhD student Shahrzad Khajavi , supervised by Dr. Pavel Cheben, Dr. Daniele Melati, Dr. Jens Schmid, and Prof. Winnie Ye.…
Bridging the van-der-Waals gap: the interlayer exciton and its landscape Seminar - September 27, 2022 @ 15:30
Abstract: Over the last decade, the field of 2D materials has blossomed to include libraries of materials with diverse properties…
Professor Hicham Chaoui awarded Early Researcher Award
Congratulations Prof. Hicham Chaoui on being awarded one of Ontario's Early Researcher Award (ERA).
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