Jim Wight

Chancellor’s Professor
Antenna structures, millimeter-wave circuits, phase-locked circuits, and transceiver architectures for wireless/satellite communications, radar, and radio navigation. Fresnel zone plate antennas, and artificial microwave volume hologram antennas for low profile apertures. Lower-ground coplanar waveguide transmission lines for millimeter-wave silicon based integrated circuits. Monolithic micro-machined resonators for millimeter-wave oscillators. GaN power-amplifier linearization circuits, and hybrid RF/digital feed-forward fi lters for frequency agile base-station transceivers. Spoofing/anti-spoofing of the synchronization circuits in GPS receivers.
Wireless and satellite communications; radar surveillance, tracking and imaging; GPS and radio navigation.
- Consultant, Chief Scientist, and Principal Architect for several wireless companies, including Kaben Wireless Silicon, IceFyre Semiconductor, BelAir Networks, and Aurora Wireless
- Joint researcher with the Communications Research Center, and the Defence Research & Development Canada, Ottawa