Dr. Peter Ricketts, Carleton’s Provost and Vice-President (Academic) announced today the winners of the Carleton University Teaching Award and Achievement Award, and some Faculty of Engineering and Design members received some well-deserved recognition.

Firstly, Professor Cheryl Schramm (Systems and Computer Engineering) took a thoughtful and integrated approach to applying technology to her teaching earning her each an Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award.

As well, three new faculty members underscored Carleton’s commitment to teaching excellence and innovation, earning them the New Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award. Melanie Adrian (Law), Audrey Girouard (Interactive Media and Design) and Danielle Kinsey (History) all demonstrated passion, creativity and student-centered approaches to teaching at Carleton.

On the teaching side, here is a list of some Engineering and Design standouts.

Teaching Achievement Award

  • Leonard MacEachern, Associate Professor, Electronics, FED
  • Marc St-Hilaire, Associate Professor, Information Technology, FED

Research Achievement Award

  • Matthew Johnson, Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair in Energy and Combustion Generated Air Emissions, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, FED
  • Gabriel Wainer, Professor, Systems and Computer Engineering, FED

Congratulations to all winners of these awards. These are the highest recognition awards that Carleton University presents and we are honoured to have our FED colleagues among these awards winners.

 Click here to read the whole story and see the complete list of winners.

Monday, November 3, 2014 in
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