Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies in collaboration with the Centre for European Studies and the Department of Political Science will be offering the following special topics course in European Integration Studies

(The offering of this course is supported by a grant from the European Commission.)


Dr. Steffen Schneider, Visiting Scholar, University of Bremen, Germany

EURR 5106 / PSCI 5609

Fall 2010

Fridays:  11:30 to 2:30

The course will examine multi-level governance arrangements in the European Union and in selected European countries, including classical federations (e.g., Germany Switzerland),  political systems moving in a federal direction (e.g., Belgium and Spain) and countries that have implemented at some devolution reforms (e.g., Britain and France).  What are the rationales for devolution processes, which institutional arrangements have emerged, and how (effectively) do these national and European multi-level arrangements work?