The EU Delegation to Canada is pleased to announce the 2012 EU-Canada Young Journalist Award

Ottawa – The EU Delegation to Canada is pleased to announce the launch of the 2012 EU-Canada Young Journalist Award.

The EU-Canada Young Journalist Award was created in 2001 to recognize outstanding journalistic potential among Canadian students. Each year, three students are selected to participate in a one-week study tour of various EU institutions and the Canadian Mission to the EU in Brussels. Winners will also have the chance to attend a Midday EU press briefing. Prior to the trip, which is paid for by the European Union, winners will be invited to an awards ceremony in Ottawa in May 2012, an event attended by senior journalists, government officials and the diplomatic corps.

The Award is open to students in all Canadian universities and higher education establishments. Applicants are invited to make a submission focusing on current issues facing the European Union or EU-Canada relations no later than:

Friday, 27 January 2012

The competition is open to all Canadian students and aims to reinforce links between the people of the European Union and Canada, and to promote awareness of the European Union among a new generation of Canadian students and journalists.


In order to be eligible, students must be:

– enrolled in a Canadian university or other higher education establishment, and

– Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

How to apply:

Applicants are invited to make a submission focusing on a current issue facing the European Union or EU-Canada relations. In terms of format, the work may be either written (a news story of maximum 1,000 words) or audiovisual (a report of up to 90 seconds duration).

Students are encouraged to prepare their entries as if they were intended to be published in Canada in a newspaper or magazine, or broadcast on TV or radio. Submissions should be prepared with a Canadian audience in mind. The jury will pay particular attention to journalistic qualities and potential, including rigorous research and factual accuracy.

The closing date for applications is Friday, 27 January 2012 (postmark). In addition to the abovementioned composition (in either English or French), applications must comprise:

1. The student’s résumé (curriculum vitae).

2. A letter of motivation clearly outlining the reasons for applying and the anticipated benefits to be derived from participation in the study trip, with particular reference to the student’s future career objectives.

3. Letter of reference or official administrative document issued by the university or college, verifying student status and enrolment.

4. Proof of Canadian citizenship or landed immigrant status.

Please note that incomplete applications, i.e. applications not containing a journalistic composition accompanied by ALL FOUR of the above documents, will not be considered.

Applications are to be sent to:

Delegation of the European Union to Canada

Ms. Elaine Larsen

Ref.: EU-Canada Young Journalist Award

150 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1900

Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1P1

In addition to sending a hard copy to the above address, the written composition must also be sent by e-mail to the following address:

For audio-visual entries (CD, DVD, audio or video cassette), please submit six copies by mail with the application, so that they can be distributed to the members of the jury.

Final selection by a Jury:

The Jury will meet in February or March 2012 to select the best pieces received by the closing date. The jury will consist of five members. Two jurors will be practising Canadian journalists, or other Canadians active in media circles. One juror will be a Canadian academic with expertise in the field of journalism or European Union studies. The other two jurors will be representatives of EU missions in Ottawa. The decisions of the Jury will be final. The three winners will be notified directly.

On their return from Europe, the winners are to submit a brief evaluation of their study trip to Brussels.

For further information: