A message from EURUS Director Jeff Sahadeo;

Dear EURUS Community,

With great pleasure I introduce the newest member of our EURUS teaching and research community, Martin Geiger, who joins us (cross-listed with Political Science) as a post-doctoral scholar on a prestigious Banting fellowship. Many of you know Martin already as he was a visiting scholar last year through the Centre for European Studies. We expect that Martin will become a long-term member of our institute.

A leading specialist already at the stage of his career in international migration, Martin joins us from the University of Osnabruck (Germany) and its ‘Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies’ (IMIS)- one of Europe’s leading research centres on migration. His research, teaching and writings focus on international migration from an interdisciplinary perspective. The primary concerns of his research are the multitude of state and non-state actors involved in governing cross-border mobility today, the various modes and ‘tools’ that have been invented to ‘manage’ flows of people, and the real-life effects these interventions have on societies, political systems and persons crossing (or intentionally not crossing) borders.

You can find more information on Martin through our webpage: http://carleton.ca/eurus/people/geiger-martin.

We will be hosting a welcome event for Martin on October 3rd at 1 pm in the EURUS Boardroom and hope that we can integrate him quickly into our wonderful circles.


Jeff Sahadeo