The Aga Khan Foundation in Canada (AKFC) is now accepting applications for its International Fellowship Program until February 1, 2014.

Applicants will choose from one of three streams when applying: International Development Management (IDM), International Microfinance and Microenterprise (IMM), and Young Professionals in Media (YPM).

AKFC Brochure – English

AKFC Brochure – Francais

A Tradition of Leadership

Since 1989, more than 350 young individuals have participated in Aga Khan Foundation Canada’s International Fellowship program. This life-changing, career-building internship program is an extraordinary opportunity to develop your potential and become a leader in the field of international development.
The eight-month overseas internship has proven to be an effective launching pad for diverse careers in the government, non-profit, media and finance sectors. In a recent survey, 80% of Fellowship Alumni felt that participating in the program helped shape their career or study decisions. (Stiles Associates, Inc., 2009)
International Perspective and Experience

Each Fellow will spend eight months in a country in Africa or Asia working with  agencies and partners of the Aga Khan Development Network, one of the world’s largest and most respected international development agencies. Potential host countries include Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Mali, Tajikistan, India, and Bangladesh.
Exceptional  training and support

AKFC is committed to ensuring that their Fellows have the support required to succeed in their Fellowship, from pre-departure training to financial support during the overseas placement. The Fellowship also includes a month-long Management Seminar in Ottawa, where Fellows gain the skills required to contribute effectively to their partner organization through training and workshops led by some of Canada’s foremost experts in the field of international development.
