On January, 25th, 2013, EURUS students attended Tatiana’s Day celebrations at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ottawa.

Tatiana’s Day, also known as Russian Students Day, dates back to 1755, when Empress Elizabeth of Russia signed a decree establishing the first Russian university, Moscow State University. Upon signing this decree, Empress Elizabeth placed this university under the care of Ivan Shuvalov, the First Minister of Education. Where this day derives its name from is the signing of the decree  happened on the name day of Minister Shuvalov’s mother, Tatiana, to whom he gave the university as a present.

In 1791, the Church of Saint Tatiana was built on the campus of Moscow State University. As a result, the Russian Orthodox Church declared Saint Tatiana the patron saint of all students. Thus, Saint Tatiana’s Day has become celebrated as Russian Student Day.