EURUS Master’s student Stephanie Bright was recently awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS). OGS is a highly competitive program intended to recognize students for exceptional academic achievement. More information on OGS at Carleton can be found here.

Stephanie is a second year student in the MA program’s “Europe and the European Union stream”. In her major research paper, Stephanie will explore the retreat of the state in Europe using the Eurozone crisis as a case study. Her research asks,  “How has the Monetary Union in the Eurozone affected member states’ abilities to manage financial crisis in a way in which promotes prosperity both within the member states and the Eurozone as a whole?”

Stephanie has a strong academic interest in political economy. Her undergraduate research on the retreat of the state in an American context also inspired her to pursue a similar topic for her graduate paper. “I thought that the European aspect would be interesting given the fact that it deals with the integration of multiple sovereign states not just one as in the case of the US.”

The EURUS community is very proud of Stephanie and wishes her the best in her continuing studies!