March 23 Photo Final

The Mobility & Politics Research Collective at Carleton University is proud to share impressions of its first international workshop “Managing Migration in World Society” held on March 10-11 at our university.

Emerging and established scholars, students, as well as practitioners from across the globe gathered to explore the role of international organization in migration politics from an interdisciplinary lens.

The event kicked off at the HUB Ottawa with a keynote and panel discussion comparing resettlement and asylum experiences in Europe and Canada. The following day, taking place in Carleton’s River Building, explored the theme of the conference through a series of keynotes, panel discussions, and poster sessions. Highlights included a panel on the production and politics of migration management, as well as a roundtable discussion on IOM-Canada Relations.

Equipped with new insights in this under-researched field, we are proud of the unique collaboration that made this workshop possible. From its conceptualization to its implementation, the workshop involved students at different levels of their studies and both emerging as well as established scholars from Carleton and beyond.

We, the students and emerging and scholars in the Mobility & Politics Collective, are honoured to have been included in this unique event and would like to thank our sponsors for their generous support and Prof. Martin Geiger for his vision and guidance in helping us in putting this event together.

The Mobility & Politics Collective will continue to work eagerly toward bringing similar successful initiatives to Carleton University, Ottawa and Canada. Stay tuned!