The Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (EURUS), in cooperation with the Russia-Canada Business Council, cordially announces the winners of the Russian Language Competition:

Category “The Russian Language as a Window into Russian Culture”
First Place:
Daniel Anderson,
Interview with my Favorite Russian Author
Second Place:
Lada Timosheva,
Interview with my Favorite Russian Author – A. Chekhov

Category “The Russian Language as a Native Language”
First Place:
Ivan Biketov,
“The Small Homeland of My Ancestors. Towns and Villages of Russia”
Daria Volkova,
“The Captain’s Daughter” by A. Pushkin as a Mirror of Values of a Russian Person”

Second Place
Idan Geynak,
“The Small Homeland of My Ancestors. Towns and Villages of Russia”

Third Place:
Hanna Kartushava,
“The Small Homeland of My Ancestors. Towns and Villages of Russia”
Valeryia Piskun, “The Small Homeland of My Ancestors. Towns and Villages of Russia”

« Coup de Cœur » Award:
Richard Adashkevich,
“Reflections on the Role of Youth in Further Development of Canadian-Russian Cooperation”

Promising Writer Award:
Mikhail Tsirlin, The Small Homeland of My Ancestors. Towns and Villages of Russia: Samara”
Anastasia Koulikovskaia, “The Small Homeland of My Ancestors. Towns and Villages of Russia”
Demyan Plakhov, The Small Homeland of My Ancestors. Towns and Villages of Russia: Tsaritsyn, Stalingrad, Volgograd”
Daniel Felixov, “The Small Homeland of My Ancestors. Towns and Villages of Russia”
Vlad Demenkov, “The Small Homeland of My Ancestors. Towns and Villages of Russia”

The competition invited students from Canada to get creative and submit short essays.  The contest was a success as participants from 12 schools and 4 provinces have submitted their work. Our esteemed judges – leading experts in the field of the Russian language, literature and history from Russia and Canada – reviewed the entries to track the quality of each participant’s command of the Russian language, before choosing the winners. We would like to emphasize that the judges were fascinated by the distinctive vocabulary, inventive plots, and original settings our competitors have used in their essays.

All participants are invited to attend the awards ceremony which will take place on Monday, May 07, 2018 at 3:00PM, Senate Room, 608 Robertson Hall, Carleton University Ottawa.

RSVP to by May 01, 2018.