Outreach and Development Coordinator, Institute of European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies

The Institute of European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (EURUS), Carleton University, is hiring for a casual position as an outreach and development coordinator. The successful candidate will be involved in webpage maintenance and upgrades; social media engagement strategies; conference planning; outreach with alumni, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations; and assisting faculty in pursuing grant initiatives.  Reliability, strong writing and communication skills and the ability to work independently are required.  Previous experience in outreach and development work is an asset, as is a familiarity with EURUS.

The terms of the position depend on the availability of funding, but it is envisaged that the position will start in September 2018 and run until at least May 1, 2019. The position will be 10-15 hours/ week. Pay level will be commensurate with experience.

Interested candidates are asked to submit a cover letter and CV to Krysia Kotarba (krysia.kotarba@carleton.ca) by August 27. For further information on the position, please contact the EURUS Director, Jeff Sahadeo (jeff.sahadeo@carleton.ca).