Dear EURUS Students,

I wanted to check in with all of you as we move into the second week in what is likely to be a longer-than-we-would-have -hoped time during which our lives and behaviors must fundamentally alter.

Please do, above all, know that you can count on my and my colleagues at EURUS if you need any assistance, from course-related issues to health-related ones.  We will help you directly or find the people who can and offer support in the meanwhile.

You will have received the President’s message, which offers mental health resources.  I am adding one here, highly recommended for all of us—it’s a “worksheet” that allows us ways to think about how to self-manage in this stressful period. The activities help us think through how best to adapt to this new situation we find ourselves in.

As all of you know, Spring/Summer course delivery has been moved online.  The university is working to remodel its course offerings and these will be posted soon.

We can’t know how the next weeks, much less the next months, are going to go.  What we need to do above all is to follow the advice from our medical professionals (here, Ottawa Public Health) and to support each other, as a community, as best we can. We will get through this, together.

Again, contact me at any time with any concern.


Jeff Sahadeo,

Director, EURUS