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About Displacement Ukraine:

The ongoing war in Ukraine has seen more than 8 million people internally displaced and a further 8 million living outside of the country as refugees. A disproportionate number of these people are women and children fleeing the Russian advances in the east. On November 3-4, 2022, Carleton University, in conjunction with the Global Centre for Pluralism, hosted a conference entitled “Global Consequences of Displacement from Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Space, Place and Pluralism.” This conference brought together scholars from across Europe and North America to speak on the ongoing crisis of refugees and internally displaced people.

The associated website is now live, providing recordings of the conference panels, policy briefs regarding IDPs and refugees, and resources and information for those in Canada who work with Ukrainians in the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) program. News and follow up events related to the conference will be posted in due course.

Click here to access the website: https://carleton.ca/eurus/displacement-ukraine/

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