May 8-28, 2016

Earn a 0.5 course credit this summer… in Europe!

The European Union (EU) Study Tour is an initiative of the European Studies Network (Canada), a consortium of Canadian universities of which Carleton is a member. The Tour consists of 19-20 days in Europe, involving consultations at a wide range of European institutions in Brussels, Strasbourg, Luxembourg, and Frankfurt. Students participating in the Tour may also apply to participate in an internship (2 months or more) in a European institution; internships take place after the Tour and are unpaid.

Application Procedure: Applications to the Tour are made through Carleton University. They should be submitted by January 15, 2015 in hard copy to Prof. Crina Viju (, Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, 3312 River Building, with “EU Study Tour” indicated clearly on the envelope. Your application should consist of:

(a) a letter of application, stating your interest in the Tour and previous work in European studies or European integration studies;

(b) for students who are not enrolled in the EURUS MA or the  European Integration graduate diploma program, a confidential letter of support from one faculty member (in a sealed envelope with the signature over the seal); for EURUS graduate or diploma students, the name and contact information  of a faculty member who can provide a reference; and

(c)  a copy of your transcript for the past two years.

Additional materials may be requested. Be sure to include your official Carleton email address in your letter of application as well as a tentative indication of whether you plan to apply for an internship position. (This will not affect your acceptance for the Tour and is not binding.)

Eligibility: Graduate students from any program; and undergraduate students who have fourth year status by the beginning of the summer 2016 term, from any Carleton program. All applicants should have some course background in EU or contemporary European studies.

Course Registration: (0.5 credit) in EURR 4302 or EURR 5302 is required (summer session, pending budgetary approval).  This course will involve about 12 hours of class meetings at Carleton prior to the May Tour, required readings, written assignments; and a post-Tour class session, as well as participation in the Tour.

Cost: The Tour fee is $3100 for Carleton students (subject to adjustment based on exchange rate). This includes transportation between and in European cities plus all accommodations, as well as a few meals and receptions. The fee does not include transatlantic airfare or tuition fees associated with EURR 4302/5302.

Grants:  The Centre for European Studies (EU Centre of Excellence) provides grants to students with financial need to help defray a part of the Tour fee. Once your application for the Tour is accepted, you will be notified of how to apply for a grant. You should also approach your home department for support as well, once accepted to the Tour.

Internships:  A separate application for internships is required. Further information about application procedures is available here.