Photo of Nadiya Safinova

Nadiya Safinova

Nadiya Safinova is a graduate of the European Studies Stream at EURUS. Prior to coming to EURUS, Nadiya completed a Bachelor’s in International Relations at Mount Allison University. Upon graduation, she was interested in pursuing a career in the public sector and sought a master’s program that provided career development opportunities. The EURUS program appealed to Nadiya because of its small size, close-nit community, and co-op program.

While at EURUS, Nadiya completed several co-op assignments, as well as work terms in both the private and public sectors. In these positions, Nadiya gained valuable experience working with government documents and learned how different departments functioned. Nadiya’s work experiences spurred a passion for studying digital government, leading her to change the focus of her Major Research Project. EURUS courses allowed her to develop hard skills such as concise writing. Moreover, courses taught by professors with experience in diplomatic work enhanced her understanding of how the government operates. Nadiya now works at Employment and Social Development Canada in their innovation lab.

Interested to learn more about Nadiya’s experience at EURUS and the co-op opportunities available in the program? Listen to her interview on the Getting to Know EURUS Podcast below!