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Dennis Edney – "From Omar Khadr and Guantanamo to the rule of law in an age of terror" (Video Lecture)

In February  2015, Carleton University & The Department of Sociology and Anthropology presented a lecture by Dennis Edney, lawyer for Omar Khadr for more than 10 years, titled From Omar Khadr and Guantanamo to the Rule of Law in an Age of Terror.

In the video of the lecture above, Edney discusses Omar Khadr, Guantanamo and the unconstitutional setting in which Omar was “convicted” as a “war criminal.” Human rights experts decried the process as deeply flawed. According to Edney, the case raises serious concerns about the rule of law, citizenship and human rights embedded in the Geneva conventions and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Dennis Edney QC is a well-known defense lawyer who has acted pro bono for Omar Khadr for more than 10 years. He has appeared at all levels of court on Omar Khadr’s behalf, including the Supreme Court of Canada and the U.S. Supreme Court. Mr. Edney has received a number of human rights and other awards for his legal work, and he is a Bencher of the Law Society of Alberta.

Read Dean Osborne’s thoughts on this talk and what he believes the Omar Khadr case means to Canada:  Dean’s Blog – The inconvenient truth