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FASS students win top awards at CityStudio Ottawa Event

A group of Carleton students took home top awards at CityStudio’s 2024 HUBBUB Event on April 12.

Held at the end of each academic year, HUBBUB is a networking event and exhibit showcasing a curated selection of student projects from each of the participating institutions.

At the event, students with top projects from each institution pitched their project or spoke about their CityStudio experience. Submitted projects are judged by a committee of one professor or faculty member from each institution and one City staff representative. The projects are scored for innovation, impact, scalability and problem-solving.

Childhood and Youth Studies students in the Critical Approaches to Child Development course taught by Prof. Alexandra Arraiz Matute (Interdisciplinary Studies)  produced resources for Ottawa Public Health’s youth engagement strategy, and some of the groups submitted their work to a city-wide competition.

Students from the course won the top Carleton award and also placed in the top 12 groups amongst submissions from Carleton University, University of Ottawa, and Algonquin College.

Project The SATURN Method: Self Advocacy for Children and Youth in the Healthcare Setting, led by Carleton students Chloe Sykes, Will Bordeleau, Jemma Woschitz, and Natasha Kislev were among the winning groups.

Group member Chloe Sykes says the experience helped her realize her aspirations to positively impact the youth healthcare system.

“Far too often, children and youth’s care falls through the cracks in the medical system, even in paediatric settings. It is my hope that I can be part of a future that prioritizes the healthcare needs of young people.”

Mayor Sutcliffe congratulated all participants and highlighted how CityStudio is a platform to share ideas, bring together different perceptions and build meaningful relationships across organizations, for mutual benefit. 

Kate Belanger, a student in the group recognized as one of the top 12 city-wide, says the experience inspired her to continue her community efforts.

“Partnering with CityStudio Ottawa was an incredibly valuable experience for me. The opportunity to work closely with my peers and draw from knowledge obtained in our field of study in order to create an innovative solution to address a priority challenge in our community was both enriching and rewarding. It was an honour to be recognized as one of the top 12 groups city-wide and this experience has only solidified my desire to continue making an impact in my community.”

Mayor Sutcliffe congratulated all participants noting that CityStudio is a platform to share ideas, bring together different perceptions, and build meaningful relationships across organizations for mutual benefit. 

CityStudio Ottawa is a partnership between the Carleton University, City of Ottawa, Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology, and the University of Ottawa. It aims to explore municipal challenges from different perspectives by bringing together students, faculty and City staff.