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Posts sorted by Current Students

FASS students win top awards at CityStudio Ottawa Event

A group of Carleton students took home top awards at CityStudio's 2024 HUBBUB Event on April 12.

Augatnaaq Eccles

Orange Shirt Day: Student Connections

Emilie Lanthier

Fashioning a Future: Student Leader Couples Politics with Material History

How Do You Define Success?

Student jazz ensemble

Saving Carleton's Performance Ensembles

A summer research team that investigated and tested collaborative online music-making environments has ensured Carleton Music students will have the…

Carleton Sax Quartet to Compete in Boston at International Competition

The Raven Saxophone Quartet will be competing in the semifinals of the International Chamber Ensemble Competition at the New England…

Greg with Students

Debating Plato: A Non-Traditional Learning Experience

Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.-- Plato, Republic 536e Associate Professor in the College…

Student Storytellers: Creative Writing and the English Department at Carleton University

Despite the fact that the English Department’s Creative Writing Concentration was only formally established in 2011, the English Department at…

Erin Shields Student Blogger


Erin Shields Read Erin's Bio It’s four a.m., if time can still be said to have a meaning—as of late,…

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Forensic Psychology Course Video

Interested in delving into the minds of psychopaths or learning about lie detectors? Check out Carleton’s second-year Forensic Psychology course…

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Humanities Student Accepted to Harvard Law School

Fourth-year student in the Bachelor of Humanities (HUMS), Roy Sengupta was recently offered admission to an array of prestigious graduate…

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Applying Knowledge to Your Life, Sam's Blog

I spent my Christmas break at home in Ottawa with my immediate family, and besides several cameos made by my…

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