Posts sorted by Awards

Arts and Social Sciences Researcher Awarded NSERC Alliance Advantage Grant
Congratulations to Koreen Millard (DGES), who was awarded an NSERC Alliance Advantage Grant. In partnership with the Nature Conservancy of…

FASS Awards 2024-2025 Recipients Announced
Congratulations to the FASS Award 2024-2025 recipients! Marston LaFrance Fellowship - Jennifer Evans – History - How Photography Shaped the…

Five FASS researchers awarded SSHRC Connection Grants
Congratulations to the following FASS researchers, who were awarded Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Connection Grants in the…

History Professor Matthew Bellamy's Article on Labatt's Anti-drinking and Driving Campaign Wins Awards
Dr. Mathew Bellamy's (Department of History) published an article “Business Against Drunk Driving: The Neoliberal State, Labatt Brewery, and the…

2024 Achievement Award Recipients
Congratulations to this year's achievement award recipients! Teaching Achievement Awards Chloë Grace Fogarty-BourgetLinguistics and Language Studies Chloë Grace Fogarty-Bourget Facilitating…

Julie Tomiak receives SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant
Congratulations to Julie Tomiak (Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies/Indigenous Studies) on receiving a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Partnership Engage Grant in…

Kyla Bruff Receives SSHRC Connection Grant
Kyla Bruff FASS extends its congratulations to Kyla Bruff (Philosophy) on receiving a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Connection…

Congratulations to SSHRC and NSERC 2022 Winners
Congratulations to the following FASS researchers who have recently received funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)…

The Canada Foundation for Innovation Awards FASS Researchers
The Canada Foundation for Innovation’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund (CFI JELF) helps institutions acquire the tools that enable the innovative work…

Kahente Horn-Miller Awarded Canada’s Top Post-Secondary Teaching Award

FASS Researchers Awarded SSHRC Insight Development Grants to Pursue New Solutions Using New Approaches

Carleton Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre Partner Wins Governor General’s History Award for Community Programming
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