Please note:

  • The course offerings and instructors are subject to change. Highlighted course codes have the syllabi attached.
  • The syllabi below are preliminary and are provided to assist with course selection. Syllabi are posted as they are received. Final syllabi will be posted later this summer.

Fall 2019 and Fall/Winter 2019-20

Course Course Title Instructor Term
WGST 4812/5901B African Feminisms (cross-listed with AFRI) Hassim, S. F
WGST 4812/5901C Special Topic: Critical Trans Studies Tierney, C. F
WGST 4814F Independent Study Rivers-Moore, M. F
WGST 5905A


Gentile, P./ Cvetkovich, A. F/W
WGST 5906A

Feminist Theory

Bausch, K. F
WGST 5908F MRE Gentile, P. F
WGST 5909F MA Thesis Gentile, P. F
WGST 5910A Directed Reading F
WGST 5911A Directed Reading F

Winter 2020