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Recording: Optimizing Testosterone, Men’s Health and Movember

This session is presented by Dr. Yousuf Siddiqui, Naturopathic Doctor.

More times than not, the majority of my male patients start seeing me because their spouse told them to.  They tend to be cautious, slightly withdrawn, and most of them leave the intake form blank. Not too many guys want to discuss their health for a variety of reasons; they may feel ashamed, they may be anxious, or simply they do not know what ‘normal’ is.

As a man – I never told when to ask for help.  I was never encouraged to get comprehensive assessments, nor was I told what makes a guy ‘healthy’.  The focus was always on testosterone, sexuality, muscle mass, and performance.  Don’t get me wrong, all of these factors are a result of a healthy body.  What is often missed are the contributing imbalances that prevent the body functioning optimally.

Join me as I discuss the following topics:

Remember – Movember is not only about growing an awesome stache – it is a public health campaign to encourage men to look after themselves.

About the Presenter: Dr. Yousuf Siddiqui is a Naturopathic Doctor at Nutrichem, public speaker, health advocate, and biochemical detective.  He integrates evidence based research into natural comprehensive solutions. Dr. Yousuf  is dedicated to helping his patients reconnect with a healthier body; offering non-judgemental and compassionate support.  In his practice, he has successfully treated chronic digestive imbalances as well as fatigue, hormone imbalances, systemic inflammation, and depression/anxiety. Dr. Yousuf ND is registered with the College of Naturopathic Doctors and is an active member of the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.