Posts sorted by News
Recording: Balancing Blood Sugar Through Nutrition
In this interactive workshop, learn about blood sugar highs and woes and the importance of proper nutrition in keeping your…
How Stressors Impact Upon Neuro-immune Communication to Promote Emotional & Behavioural Disturbances
This session is presented by Professor Shawn Hayley from the Department of Neuroscience. Stressors may take many forms, ranging from…
Recording: Saving Strategies: Easy Concept, Difficult Reality
Audience: Those who want to learn how to save more and spend less. Learning Objectives: Learn how to save more…
Staying Active During the Winter Months
Don’t hibernate this winter when you can enjoy all the fun the outdoors offers. Join Mark Nadon, the Assistant Manager…
Recording: How to Make Your Own Sauerkraut with Chef Amy
In this interactive online workshop, you’ll learn how to make your own homemade sauerkraut in a simple step-by-step process. Chef…
Financial Planning for Retirement
CPA Canada’s mission is to “deliver unbiased objective financial literacy education and information to Canadians to improve the overall state of financial literacy…
Recording: Stretching & Mobility Workshop
During this workshop, Mark Nadon, Assistant Manager of Health & Wellness from Carleton Athletics, will provide some background information on…
Recording: Healthy Eating "Hacks" for Back to School
Whether you’re heading back to campus for work, continuing to work remotely, and/or sending your kids back to school means…
Recording: Maintaining Wellness While Adapting to Change
With every September, there comes a transition where we learn to adapt to a new routine. This can come in…
Recording: “Text Neck”: Why this posture is causing you pain
When looking straight ahead, the average weight of your head is about 10-12 pounds. When we look down at our…
Recording: Mindful Writing in Nature for Self-Care
Dealing with our scattered thoughts is challenging on any day, but a year and a half into a pandemic can…
Recording: How to Start Your Own Podcast
Do you have an entertaining or informative idea for a podcast? Are you intrigued by this relatively new form of…
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