Raising Financially Fit Kids by Credit Counselling Society
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
- Tbd event
Raising Financially Fit Kids
Online Workshop / Webinar presented by Credit Counselling Society
Parents and caregivers are responsible for teaching their children so many things over a lifetime. Some lessons are easy to explain, while others can be more difficult to approach, especially if we as adults struggle with them ourselves. Money is one of those topics that even today, can be uncomfortable or challenging for us to discuss, let alone teach lessons about to our children!
Talking to our kids about money and teaching them basic money management skills can help them go from being financially fit kids to financially healthy adults.
In the Raising Financially Fit Kids 1 hour workshop/webinar we will share ways to start the money conversations early, to help your children build their knowledge as they grow. During this session we will:
- Consider our own past and present relationship with money. How we feel about money can influence what messages we pass along to our kids.
- Talk about the teachable moments that happen in our daily lives. All lessons don’t have to be taught while sitting at a desk. The best money lessons happen while living life.
- Share age-appropriate ideas for each age and stage in your family.
- Discuss allowances.
- Discuss how to teach our children the difference between wants and needs.
- Learn ways to talk about the basics of credit, saving, spending, and sharing with our children. Giving them tools for money management now will help them grow into adults that have a sense of financial well-being and its importance in our overall well-being and mental health.
- Create a space of collaboration, safety, and non-judgment for parents to share their concerns, challenges, and ideas around raising financially fit kids.
All participants will leave with practical ideas they can implement into their daily lives to provide their children with the tools they need to be successful with their financial well-being throughout life. Links to additional resources and a copy of the presentation is available upon request.