1. Office of the Vice-President (Research International)- OVPRI
  2. Industry and Partnership Services
  3. Points of Contact
  4. Research Financial Services
  5. The Office of Research Ethics
  6. Carleton Office of Research Initiatives and Services (CORIS)
  7. Research Computing Services
  8. Environmental Health and Safety
  9. Didn’t find what you were looking for?

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Office of the Vice-President (Research International)- OVPRI

Carleton has long been known as a university that promotes research excellence and connectedness, and enjoys partnerships around the globe. We are known as a leader in research that focuses both on tangible outcomes and the development of knowledge with longer-term impacts.

The Office of the Vice-President (Research and International) leads these efforts

Industry and Partnership Services

You should contact IPS as early as possible in the collaboration process. In general, it is important for IPS to review all materials that are submitted to sponsors, even as early as the Letter of Intent (LOI) stage, and to facilitate obtaining institutional signature(s) when applicable. Note that, per government contracting procedures, some proposals specify the resulting contract clauses. In these cases is particularly important for IPS to review proposals prior to submission as there will be no (or very limited) opportunity to negotiate legally binding terms and conditions.

Points of Contact

Shoma Sinha Technology Transfer and Commercialization, Intellectual Property, and Patents
Maryam Attef Inter-institutional, International, and Consortium
Chris Lannon Government Contracts
Rheza Adizora Ontario Centre of Innovation programs and NSERC Alliance
Alisha Seguin Data Sharing Agreements (DSAs), Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs), Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), Memorandum of Understanding Agreements (MOUs) and MITACS (Accelerate, BSI, Elevate, Joint programs and research agreements)
Jaclyn Chandler Partnership support
Dylan Nutbrown Administration within the ARISE building
Sahar Biglari IPS website and general file administration

Research Financial Services

What Research Financial Services does:

  • Aid in interpreting and ensuring compliance with funding agency regulations
  • Advise on and ensure compliance with University policies related to research
  • Advise on appropriate procedures for financial transactions
  • Issue invoices and financial reports
  • Open research funds

What is the process for opening a fund?

Once an agreement has been authorized by the Vice-President (Research and International) or his/her designate, Research Financial Services will assign a Fund Number and allocate responsibility for the fund to a Research Account Administrator. Please consult the Research Financial Services website to determine the appropriate Administrator for your Department / Centre.

The Office of Research Ethics

The Office of Research Ethics offers administrative support to the Carleton University’s Research Ethics Boards (CUREB), works with researchers to ensure their research projects respect and comply with all applicable policies and guidelines, including those of the Tri-Councils (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC), specifically the Tri-Council Policy Statement on the Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans. On behalf of the REB’s the office manages the protocol life-cycle, including protocol submission, approval and monitoring for the research involving human participants at the university and its affiliates. All research involving humans conducted by faculty, staff or students at Carleton University must be approved by a CUREB.

Forms and Templates

Visit this page for: application checklist, supervisor/sponsor signature form, CUREB protocol form, request to release funds, change to protocol form, annual renewal or closure form, course based application form, and secondary use of data form.

Also included are templates and instructions for: recruitment tools, consent documents, and debriefing documents.

You may also want to visit Who needs to apply for ethics? and Submit an application for information on the protocol submission process.

Carleton Office of Research Initiatives and Services (CORIS)

As a department within the Office of the Vice-President of Research and International (OVPRI), Carleton Office for Initiatives and Services (CORIS) provides expert advice and support to the Carleton community throughout the research process, from the proposal development to the award closeout.

CORIS can assist you by:

  • identifying research funding opportunities (grants/prizes)
  • providing support during the research proposal development process, including substantive reviews of applications prior to submission
  • liaising with sponsors and other stakeholders throughout the project
  • providing post-award support in the management of research funding and clarifying agency terms and conditions

Research Computing Services

Research Computing Services (RCS) provides researchers with the support, expertise and resources necessary to conduct research computing at Carleton. RCS personnel will support and assist researchers in using Advanced Research Computing (ARC) and High-Performance resources available on- and off-campus. This support includes tutorials, training, workshops as well as assistance with porting and optimizing existing code.

Environmental Health and Safety

Environmental Health and Safety provides consultation and support services to the University community on matters relating to environmental and occupational health and safety. The services provided are broad ranging, and include monitoring compliance to legislative requirements and developing health and safety related policies, programs, and procedures.

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