Overview of the Junk Email Filter
No one likes spam or junk email. The Outlook Junk Email Filter doesn’t stop delivery of junk email messages, but does the next best thing—it moves suspected spam to the Junk Email folder.
Tips: It’s a good idea to regularly review messages in the Junk Email folder to check for legitimate messages that were incorrectly classified as junk. If you find a message that isn’t junk, drag it back to the Inbox or any folder. You can also mark the item as not junk by doing the following:
- Click Home > Junk > Not Junk.
You can block messages from specific email addresses or domains from reaching your inbox. When you add an email address or domain to your blocked senders list, Outlook on the web automatically moves messages from that sender to the Junk Email folder.
- Block senders from sending you email
If you’re receiving unwanted email, you can block the email addresses and domains you don’t want to receive messages from. Add any email address or domain to your blocked senders list to move these messages directly to your Junk Email folder.
- Sign into you Carleton email via the web (Students / Staff )
- At the top of the page, select Settings
> View all Outlook settings.
- Select Mail > Junk email.
- If you want to block an email address, enter the email address under Blocked senders and select Add.If you want to block all email from a domain, enter the domain name under Blocked domains and select Add.
- Select Save.
- Stop messages from specific people going to Junk
There are times when you don’t want messages from a specific person or domain to end up in your Junk Email folder. Messages from addresses or domains on the safe senders list won’t get moved to your Junk Email folder.
- Sign into you Carleton email via the web (Students / Staff )
- At the top of the page, select Settings
> View all Outlook settings.
- Select Mail > Junk email.
- Under Safe senders, enter the email address or domain you want to add, and select Add.
- Select Save.
By default, the Junk Email Filter is turned on and the protection level is set to No Automatic Filtering. You can make the filter more aggressive by changing the level of protection that it provides. The Junk Email Filter evaluates each incoming message based on several factors. These can include the time when the message was sent and the content of the message.
To change the options for the Junk Email Filter in Outlook do the following:
- Click Home > Junk > Junk Email Options.
Mac Outlook users do not have access to the Junk Mail Preferences on Exchange email, Junk mail filtering is handled via webmail. View above “Stop messages from Specific people going to Junk“.
Quarantined Messages
As a user, you can view, release, and delete quarantined messages where you are a recipient, when the message was quarantined as spam or bulk email.
However, messages that were quarantined for known phishing attempts, malware, or by mail flow rules are only available to admins. End users will not be able to view or release these emails and will have to contact the Service Desk
- View your quarantined messages
- Log into the Security and Compliance Center with your firstlastname@cunet.carleton.ca address.
- Go to Threat Management > Review > Quarantine.
- Use Sort results by menu, use one of the following values:
- Sender email address: A single sender’s email address.
- Recipient email address: A single recipient’s email address.
- Subject: Use the entire subject of the message. The search is not case-sensitive.
- After you’ve entered the search criteria, click
Refresh to filter the results.
- Take action on quarantined email
After you select a message, you have options for what to do with the messages in the Details flyout pane:
- Release message: In the flyout pane that appears, choose whether to Report messages to Microsoft for analysis. This is selected by default, and reports the erroneously quarantined message to Microsoft as a false positive.When you’re finished, click Release messages.
- View message header: Choose this link to see the message header text. To analyze the header fields and values in depth, copy the message header text to your clipboard, and then choose Microsoft Message Header Analyzer to go to the Remote Connectivity Analyzer (right-click and choose Open in a new tab if you don’t want to leave Microsoft 365 to complete this task). Paste the message header onto the page in the Message Header Analyzer section, and choose Analyze headers:
- Preview message: In the flyout pane that appears, choose one of the following options:
- Source view: Shows the HTML version of the message body with all links disabled.
- Text view: Shows the message body in plain text.
- Remove from quarantine: After you click Yes in the warning that appears, the message is immediately deleted.
- Block Sender: Add the sender to the Blocked Senders list on your mailbox. For more information, see Block a mail sender
Posted in Email - Staff/Faculty
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