1. CU-Wireless for iPhone
  2. Eduroam for iPhone
  3. CU-Wireless for Android
  4. Eduroam for Android

There are two services available at Carleton: CU-Wireless and eduroam. Wireless at Carleton is free for students, faculty, and staff.

CU-Wireless is for members of Carleton University. Eduroam is for those visiting Carleton campus from other Ontario universities.

Wireless is currently available in key locations across campus. All you need is a laptop or portable device with a Wi-Fi compatible network interface card and a MyCarletonOne account.

CU-Wireless for iPhone

  1. Go to Settings => WiFi
  2. Select CU-Wireless
  3. When prompted enter MyCarletonOne username and password
  4. Click Save or OK to add this network to your list

Note: iOS users may get a prompt displaying “invalid certificates” the first time they access CU wifi, despite the certificates being valid. This should only happen once and accepting them is ok.

Eduroam for iPhone

  1. Go to Settings => WiFi
  2. Select eduroam
  3. When prompted enter MyCarletonOne username followed by:
    • MyCarletonOneusername@cunet.carleton.ca
  4. Your MC1 password
  5. Click Save or OK to add this network to your list

CU-Wireless for Android

Android (older versions prior to version 11)

  1. EAP Method: Select PEAP.
  2. Phase 2 Authentication: Select MSCHAPV2.
  3. For CA Certificate, Select N/A(unspecified), or Do not validate.
  4. Identity: Enter your MC 1 username.
  5. Anonymous Identity: Leave blank
  6. Password: Enter your MC 1 password.
  7. Click Connect.

Android (newer versions since 11)

  1. EAP Method: Select PEAP.
  2. Phase 2 Authentication: Select MSCHAPV2.
  3. For CA Certificate, Select
  4. Online Certificate Status: Select Use System Certificates
  5. Online Certification States: Select Do Not Validate (On Pixel Phones: Request Certificate Status)
  6. Domain: Type net.carleton.ca
  7. Identity: Enter your MC1 username
  8. Anonymous Identity: Leave blank
  9. Password: Enter your MC1 password
  10. Click Connect.

Eduroam for Android

  1. Go to Settings => Wireless & Network Settings =>Wi-Fi
  2. Select eduroam
  3. Choose one of the following sets of options (depending on the version of Android):
    • Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPV2
    • Identity: MyCarletonOne username followed by:
      • MyCarletonOneusername@cunet.carleton.ca
    • Password: Password
    • CA certificate: Do not validate
    • Identity: MyCarletonOne username followed by
      • MyCarletonOneusername@cunet.carleton.ca
    • Password: Password
  4. Click Connect to add this network to your list