The Supervisory Development Series (SDS) is currently on hold and we hope to offer it again in the near future – we have not yet identified exact dates. When we have, you can expect to see announcements in the Carleton Top 5 and other communications.  Thank you.

The Supervisory Development Series (SDS) is a Learning and Professional Development opportunity, offered in collaboration with Human Resources and CUPE 2424. As such, preference is given to CUPE 2424 members to participate in the SDS. This series is a program for professional staff at Carleton University to enhance supervisory and administrative skills. Twenty participants will be selected to make the journey through approximately 10 days of practical, relevant and reflective learning to enhance their eligibility for supervisory opportunities at the university.

Please note: This development opportunity is aimed at professional services staff who are currently in supervisory roles, or who aspire to a supervisory role. Continuing employees who have successfully passed their 6-month probationary period are eligible. Participant attendance at all sessions is required.

These are the components of the Supervisory Development Series:

Introduction to the Supervisory Development Series 
Leaderful Awareness
Unionized Environment
Team Building and Motivation
Healthy Workplace
Respectful Workplace
Fierce Conversations
Health, Safety & Risk Management
Finance for Admins
Service Excellence
Presentation Skills
Assessment & Closing Celebration

To learn about the difference between the Supervisory Development Series and Carleton Leader, please click here.