A special issue of Refuge on Power and Influence in the Global Refugee Regime has been published. This is one of the results of the workshop hosted at Carleton University in September 2015, with the generous support of Migration and Diaspora Studies. It is an OpenAccess journal, so you can access (and share!) the special issue through this link.

Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees is a non-profit, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, bilingual journal. It publishes analytical, reflective, and probing articles from a wide range of disciplinary and regional perspectives, presenting writing of academics, policy-makers, and practitioners in the field of forced migration. The journal provides space for discussion of emerging themes and debates, as well as ongoing topics. The journal also features a book review section and occasionally publishes special issues on specific themes related to forced migration. Refuge publishes articles in both English and French.

Vol 33, No 1 (2017)