2020 International Metropolis Conference
Beijing June 12-16, 2020

2020 International Metropolis Conference
New Narratives on Global Migration: Open, Fair and Sustainable Development

Time:  June 16-20, 2020
Location:  Beijing, China
Organization: Center for China and Globalization & International Metropolis Project

Center for China and Globalization (CCG) will host the 2020 International Metropolis Conference in Beijing which marks the first time the conference is being held in China.

The International Metropolis Conference is an annual conference organized by the International Metropolis Project, where experts from around the world specializing in talent mobility, global governance, urbanization, and technological innovation converge engage in policy discussions and formulate policy proposals.

Lasting four days, the conference involves 60-80 activities of various kinds such as panel discussions, workshops, and cultural exhibitions, attracting 600-800 experts from governments, academia, and international organizations every year. Ever since the event was launched in 1996, it has been held in major global cities such as Milan, Bonn, Washington DC, The Hague, Nagoya, and Sydney.

Contact Us:

Website: Internationalmetropolis2020-beijing.cn, www.metropolischina.org

全球化智库(CCG)||Center For China And Globalization


全球化智库(Center for China and Globalization,CCG),是中国领先的国际化社会智库。CCG成立于2008年,总部位于北京,在国内外有十余个分支机构和海外代表处,目前有全职智库研究和专业人员百余人。秉承“以全球视野,为中国建言;以中国智慧,为全球献策”宗旨,CCG致力于全球化、全球治理、国际关系 …

Tel: +86 010-65611038
Email: info@metropolischina.org , ccg@ccg.org.cn