This news post is more than one year old and has been retained for archive purposes. The information below may no longer be relevant.

We understand students can face unique challenges and barriers, and the counselling team is here to support you through your journey at Carleton.

Carleton offers a variety of specialized counsellors: Indigenous, sexual assault and trauma, racialized, trans/2SLGBQ+, international and graduate. Students who wish to connect with a specific counsellor can make a request when booking an appointment or explore options at their intake session.

For all counselling services, including the specialized services described below, please call 613-520-6674 to make an appointment to speak with the Intake Counsellor.

Graduate: Magda Georgescu is a counsellor focused on helping graduate students.

Indigenous: the Centre for Indigenous Support and Community Engagement (CISCE) is proud to offer culturally centered individual counselling to students who self-identify as First Nation, Metis or Inuk. Through this service, Indigenous students can access confidential, individual sessions for support with personal, mental health or academic challenges. Staci Loiselle is the Indigenous Counsellor at Carleton. Indigenous-identifying students can contact CISCE for an appointment or can also connect through the Counselling team.

International: Berak Hussain is the International Student Counsellor, providing one-on-one support to both domestic and international students.

Racialized: BIPOC students can access counselling services with a shared understanding of lived experience/identity by connecting with the Racialized Student Counsellor, Mariam Ismail.

Residence: Students living in Residence have access to dedicated counselling available Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Leta Bourque, Nathaniel Jewitt and Jonathan Pease offer counselling for Residence. Faisa Omer is the Racialized Counsellor in Residence, supporting students who are Black, Indigenous and persons of colour. Call 613-520-2600 ext. 8061 to book a session. Residence students can call 613-520-2600 ext. 8061 to book a session.

Sexual assault and trauma: Beau Welter is the Sexual Assault/Trauma Counsellor, specializing in working with the impacts of sexual violence, intimate partner violence and other forms of trauma.

The Carleton University Sexual Assault Support Centre provides sexual violence support services. Survivors can also connect with Carleton University Sexual Assault Support Centre CHAT, a free, confidential text and web chat support part of the peer support program.

Trans-2SLGBTQ+: Oliver Debney is the Trans-2SLGBTQ+ Counsellor at Carleton, specializing in working with trans and 2SLGBTQ+ people navigating senses of self and interpersonal dynamics.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, help is available. In case of an emergency on campus, please call 613-520-4444 or dial 4444 from any on-campus phone. For off campus emergencies, call 911.

The Distress Centre of Ottawa provides mental health support for distress and crisis. You can call 613-238-3311 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or text 343-306-5550 between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.

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