On Saturday, November 13th, 2021, Carleton will celebrate our Fall graduates! Celebrations moved online this year, and we would like to take the opportunity to celebrate all of our outstanding Philosophy graduates of 2021. We’ve asked MA graduate, Gloria Sanchez-Cuevas, to reflect on her time at Carleton and her memories of her time in the Department of Philosophy.

If you could choose one word to sum up your time in the Philosophy MA program, what is it and why?

Transformative.  Although I started the program with clear personal goals in mind about the courses and my own research, the MA program exceeded my expectations from day one. It helped me broaden my horizons by exploring a myriad of practical issues through the lenses of philosophy. The program was also very thorough and full of exciting research opportunities, with a high academic standard expected from the students.

What is your favorite Carleton memory?

My favourite Carleton memory would most likely be the first term of my studies. During this time, I met people who, still today, continue to push me to succeed in my studies and genuinely “think outside the box.”

What was your favourite course or who was your favourite professor?

Two professors were (and continue to be) the most influential: Prof. Gabriele Contessa and Prof. Vida Panitch.

Prof. Contessa is an outstanding mentor and researcher, and his courses reflect that. He took the time to curate a tutorial that contributed enormously to my master’s research essay. Prof. Contessa provided invaluable critical feedback on my (many multiple) drafts that enriched my paper higher than my initial expectations. His patience and guidance cannot be underestimated.

Prof. Panitch introduced me to what eventually became my doctoral research topic. Despite the sudden transition to online learning, she always enthusiastically shared her knowledge and expertise with her students. Her course gave me the opportunity, for the first time, to approach public policy through the lenses of ethical theory and political philosophy.

What was the most important lesson you learned during your time at Carleton?

Allow yourself to be intellectually uncomfortable—being uncomfortable with the unknown allowed me to take on new projects with ease and excitement.

What’s next for you?

I am currently a first-year student in the Ethics & Public Affairs (EPAF) Ph.D. program at Carleton, where I aim to focus my doctoral research on the normative and practical conditions required to implement a basic income scheme in Canada, particularly during and after public health emergencies.  My long-term goal is to leverage my studies for a career in advocacy and academia that impacts public policy on the ground.

Is there anything else you would like to share with the Carleton Philosophy community?

I would like to thank Prof. Christine Koggel, who was extremely supportive and recognized the unique challenges facing students during the last year. I am truly grateful for the opportunities that were made available to me through the outstanding faculty, staff, and classmates I was able to meet during my time at the Department.