Photo of Kia Dunn

Kia Dunn

Research Lead, Indigenous Home-Lands at Ecotrust Canada

Degrees:B.A. Philosophy (Carleton), M.A. Philosophy (Carleton), J.D. (Toronto), LLM (Toronto)

Meet Kia Dunn, graduate of our Philosophy B.A. program in 2010 and our Philosophy M.A. in 2013, before completing a J.D. & LLM with the University of Toronto. Now, Kia is “Research Lead, Indigenous Home-Lands” with Ecotrust Canada. What a fantastic route to see an alumnus take!

It is to the Department of Philosophy, and Prof. Gordon Davis in particular, that I will always owe a deep debt of mentorship, one that can only properly be repaid forward. Without the extraordinary support that I received at that time, I’m confident I would not be where I am today. I can only hope that whatever good I manage to pay forward serves as a sufficient expression of my gratitude. – Kia Dunn, B.A. 2010 & M.A. 2013

Note: The information on this page is up-to-date as of July 20, 2022.