This news post is more than one year old and has been retained for archive purposes. The information below may no longer be relevant.

There are a number of scholarships, bursaries and awards for students with disabilities that are administered by the PMC annually.

PMC-administered scholarships, bursaries and awards fall into three application deadline groups:

August 31

Scholarships, bursaries and awards open to both incoming and returning students, including: the Making a Difference Award, Susan Scott Parker Scholarship, Thomas Sorensen Memorial Scholarship, Walker Wood Award and more.

October 31

Scholarships, bursaries and awards open to returning students;

May 31

The Dr. John Davis Burton Award.

Application Tips

When putting together applications for scholarships, bursaries and awards be sure to…

  • Review and take-note-of the eligibility criteria for each individual award to be sure that you qualify as each award unique terms and considerations.
  • Add each application deadline to your calendar – it can be easy to loose track or mix-up the deadlines for different awards, especially if you are applying for more than one during the same year. Late application cannot be considered, so make sure to note the deadline for each award in your the calendar you use to plan your time.
  • Complete and submit ALL parts of your applications – applications for some awards may include additional components, such as a letter of reference or personal statement.
    • For applications that include supporting documents take the time to review what the award represents, for example: involvement in the community. Be sure to represent how you meet those criteria (in your supporting documents).