The PMC is excited to have you join us at any of our social, support and study group offerings. Before you attend your first one, please take a few minutes to read through this page.

Things to keep in mind when participating in PMC groups:

All PMC support, social and study groups are spaces free from misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, classism, etc.. We accomplish this by addressing people the way they want to addressed (e.g. name and pronouns), being mindful of the language we use and being open to learning and un-learning;

  • Be respectful, kind, and considerate to other meeting participants;
  • Although meetings focus on our disability-related topic as well as peer connection, all Carleton students are welcome regardless of disability status;
  • Participate as you would in public forums or on social media;
  • Share your ideas, tips, and opinions that relate to the meeting’s topic and the conversation at hand if it is inspired to build up other participants;
  • By design, meetings are open and accessible virtual spaces, so we cannot offer confidentiality or anonymity. Please do not disclose or share personal details about yourself or your disability that you are not comfortable with being shared publicly;
  • Please refrain from sharing details outside of our meetings about other participants and what they share during meetings;
  • Share openly but save more personal details for private venues (e.g. counselling); meetings are not group counselling sessions. If more in-depth, individualized support is needed, email to ask for a service referral;
  • The facilitators are obligated to report students who indicate a risk of harm to self or others for the purpose of applying the proper support resources;
  • Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated, and facilitators will remove and report any students in violation of these guidelines.

As we create space together, all of us commit to taking everyone’s contributions in good faith.

Students experiencing distress can call the numbers below for immediate support:

    • Good to Talk, 1-866-925-5454
    • Distress Centre of Ottawa and Region, 613-238-3311
    • Mental Health Crisis Line, 613-722-6914