1. Extended Time on Assignments Before Deadlines
    1. Student’s Responsibilities
  2. Extended Time on Assignments After Deadlines
    1. Professor’s Responsibilities
    2. PMC Coordinator’s Responsibilities

Prioritizing academic demands is an essential skill for all university students to develop. Post-secondary education requires you to engage in self-directed learning, manage increased academic and competing demands and learn how to juggle priorities at school and beyond. Time management and organization skills are an important part of being an independent learner and successful university student.

You can improve your core competencies related to self-regulated learning (e.g. time management, prioritizing, studying) by using a wide range of campus resources. These important transferrable skills can help you in your studies and in the workforce. We encourage you to use learning support services on campus and at the PMC to adapt your ability to manage your time and stay organized.

Extended Time on Assignments Before Deadlines

  • Knowing the importance of prioritizing academic demands, there may be disability-related instances where you may not be able to meet an assignment deadline. Extended time on assignments (e.g. essays, projects, online reflections) can be a reasonable request in situations where you are experiencing increased or unexpected symptoms of your disability that are affecting timely completion of coursework. It is important to communicate your disability-related needs to your professor and PMC coordinator prior to assignment deadlines. This should be done on an ongoing basis due to the changing nature of some disabilities. Extended time on assignments should be requested only in exceptional circumstances and used cautiously.
  • As a student, it is important to factor in the reality of your own personal situation and use time effectively to complete coursework. Taking a heavy course load, having a part-time/full-time job or other family obligations does not justify support of a disability-related assignment extension.

Student’s Responsibilities

Initial Steps – Planning Ahead:

  • If you anticipate that your disability will impact your academics and ability to meet deadlines, regularly update your PMC coordinator on any relevant health changes. This should be communicated to your coordinator on an ongoing basis. This information will help your PMC coordinator support you with managing academic demands.
  • At the start of each term, meet with your professor to confirm that you are registered with PMC as a student with a documented disability and discuss with them that, on occasion, unexpected symptoms of your disability may hinder your ability to meet assignment deadlines.
  • After you discuss with your professor, send a follow up email to your PMC coordinator and professor summarizing how you will handle an unexpected disability issue that will prevent you from meeting a deadline.

Steps to follow:

  1. Before negotiating an assignment extension, prepare an action plan that will help you manage upcoming coursework and deadlines. Determine what kind of support you need in order to complete your assignment. Reach out to your PMC coordinator for guidance.
  2. If you are unable to meet an assignment deadline for disability-related reasons:
    1. Email your PMC coordinator and your professor at least 1-2 business days prior to the due date to negotiate a possible assignment extension.
    2. Clearly state the reasons why you are unable to meet the due date. You do not need to disclose the nature of your disability.
    3. Propose a plan on how you will meet this new deadline. Reasonable assignment extensions are typically 1-3 days.
  3. The length of assignment extensions is determined on a case-by-case basis by your professor.
  4. Adhere fully to the new deadline.

Extended Time on Assignments After Deadlines

  • If you have missed a deadline, refer to the Academic Regulations of the University under section 4.4 Deferred Term Work. This also applies to non-disability related reasons (e.g. short-term illness, acute symptoms, injury, and bereavement, among others).

Professor’s Responsibilities

  • Your professor is responsible for protecting the academic integrity of a course and respecting standards of achievement. Assignment extensions and new deadlines are granted at the discretion of the professor.
  • Your professor can consult your PMC coordinator as needed for guidance.
  • Once a professor has granted a reasonable extension, it is within their right to refuse additional assignment extensions.
  • If you miss the new agreed upon deadline, you are advised to refer to the Academic Regulations of the University under section 4.4 Deferred Term Work.

PMC Coordinator’s Responsibilities

  • Your PMC coordinator can provide guidance on determining a manageable course load. They can provide recommendations on when to reduce your course load and help you problem solve challenging academic issues throughout the term.
  • Consult your PMC coordinator to find out about opportunities for skills development. This can entail PMC referrals to learning strategists to help you manage course demands and deadlines. You are encouraged to communicate and check-in with your PMC coordinator to assess your academic progress and goals on an as needed basis.
  • Your PMC coordinator can support and an assignment extension within the term (before the last day of class) based on disability-related reasons. Assignment extensions must be requested one at a time.
  • Meet with your PMC coordinator to develop a plan for meeting assignment deadlines and course requirements.