Diploma in Work and Labour

Program Goals:

Students will develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving strategies in the areas of work and labour. They will gain a strong understanding of the social relations which constitute the formal and informal economy. They will learn how to analyze the complex ways in which work and labour intersect with gender issues, race, colonialism, globalization, environment and technological change.

Who is eligible for the Diploma in Work and Labour?

  • Labour leaders, activists and union staff that have a BA Honours or a BA. We also welcome analysts focusing on work and labour rights, social welfare, pensions, health care, immigration and settlement, disability and inclusion, childcare and support to vulnerable people.
  • Students finishing their BA Honours and wishing to work in unions and work-related organizations.

Program requirements

Students must complete 5 courses (2.5 credits)

  • PECO 5002 [0.5 credit] Political Economy of Work and Labour
  • PECO 5503 or PECO 5504 [0.5 credit] Selected Issues in Work and Labour.
  • PECO 5906 [0.5 credit] Reflective Practice on Work and Labour or PECO 5907 [0.5 credit] Placement in Political Economy for students already working.
  • 2 courses (1.0 credit) of approved elective courses with work and labour content.

Students can enrol in the program as full time or part-time. If enrolled full-time we estimate that in two terms students can attain the diploma, taking 2 courses in the fall, 2 in the winter, and the experiential learning course (PECO 5906 or PECO 5907) that is done in the work place supervised by a professional in a labour-related institution.

Part-time students can register in one course per term and finish in two years.

What advantages the Institute offers to students enrolled in the Diploma?

  • Students in the program tailor their degree to their professional and scholarly interests.
  • The Institute, through their collaborative units, offers courses with Work and Labour content at Carleton. Please see the list of courses accepted for credit.
  • Students benefit from the teaching of two visiting international and Canadian scholars that are specialist in one area of work of labour.

For the academic year 2020-2021 the visiting professors in core seminars are:

Kevin Skerrett, Senior Research Officer, CUPE, will be teaching PECO 5503 in the Fall semester “Union Power in Canada Under Neoliberal Capitalism”.

What are the career paths for the graduates of the program?

Students already working who join the Diploma will strengthen their skills and gain a more robust understanding of the issues facing labour today are likely to continue working in their positions, and will bring their knowledge, skills, and expertise back to these organizations.

Other program graduates will be able to directly market their skills and expertise to labour organizations, government, and other community organizations that require individuals with core knowledge, critical thinking, research, and problem-solving skills related to work and labour issues.