Every year, the Institute hosts two visiting scholars whose area of expertise is in one of the branches of Political Economy. As of 2020-2021, each visitor teaches one Work and Labour seminar and one seminar in another area of their research expertise. Visitors also offer a public lecture or a half- or full-day workshop or symposium as part of their time in residence.

The visiting professors continue a nearly 40-year-old tradition at the Institute of Political Economy and the former Graduate Summer School of Political Economy of bringing world-renowned scholarship and expertise to Carleton.

Qualified scholars are encouraged to contact the Institute and apply for an upcoming term.

We are currently looking for our 2025 – 2026 Visitors. For more information, go here.

List of Visiting Professors

Winter 2025

Sumeet Mhaskar
Professor, Jindal School of Government and Public Policy
O.P. Jindal Global University

PECO 5502: Coolies and Capitalism
PECO 5504: The Economic Sociology of Labour Regulation

Fall 2024

Tyler McCreary
Associate Professor, Geography-College of Social Sciences and Public Policy
Florida State University

PECO 5501: The Political Economy of Technology
PECO 5503: Colonialism and Racial PetroCapitalism

Winter 2024

Maggie FitzGerald
Department of Political Studies
University of Saskatchewan

PECO 5502: The Political Economy of Vulnerability and Need
PECO 5504: Precarious Work, Precarious Labour, Precarious Life

Fall 2023

Marianne H. Marchand
Chair in International Studies; Director, Canadian Studies Program
Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Mexico

PECO 5501: Gendering political Economy
PECO 5503: The Political Economy of Migration


Winter 2023

Ashima Sood
Associate Professor and Co-Director
Centre for Urbanism and Cultural Economics
Anant National University

PECO 5504: Issues in Work and Labour: Informal Systems in the Global South
SOCI 5806: Political Economy of Urban Development in the Global South

Fall 2022

Stephen Maher
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Ontario Tech University

PECO 5503: The Political Economy of Labour: From Social Democracy to Neoliberalism
SOCI 5806 G: Corporations, Finance, and the State

IPE Seminar: Liberal Democracy, Authoritarian Statism, and the New Finance Capital

Winter 2022

Deniz Duruiz
Postdoctoral Fellow
Buffett Institute for Global Affairs
Northwestern University


PECO 5504: Labor, Social Difference, and Subjectivity

SOCI 5805: Political Economy of Migration and Im/mobilities

IPE Seminar: Thinking about the Worker Family without Familialism

Fall 2021

John Peters
Executive Policy Director
BlueGreen Ideas


PECO 5503: Labour and Environmental Policy

SOCI 5806: The Political Sociology of Equality

IPE Seminar: From Jobs with Inequality to a Just Transition: How Canada Can Tackle Inequality and Climate Change while Charting a Path to Low-Carbon, Equitable Economy

Winter 2021

Stephanie M. Redden
Postdoctoral Fellow
Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition
Yale University (US)


PECO 5504: The Intersectional Politics of Worker Resistance
PSCI 5502: Gender, Race, and Everyday International Political Economy

IPE Seminar: Hello from the Inside: Race, Gender, and Unfree Labour within the Transnationally Situated Prison Call Centre Industry.

Fall 2020

Kevin Skerrett
Senior Research Officer
Canadian Union of Public Employees


PECO 5503: Union Power in Canada Under Neoliberal Capitalism
SOCI 5806: The Political Economy of the Neoliberal State

IPE Seminar: Pension Fund Capitalism and the Covid-19 Pandemic in Canada: A Socialist Perspective

Portrait of Man with Black Suit, Grey Hair and Glasses

Winter 2020

Aaron Henry, Senior Director
Natural Resources and Sustainable Growth
Canadian Chamber of Commerce

Fall 2019

Katie Cruz, Senior Lecturer in Law
University of Bristol Law School (UK)

Winter 2019

Mustafa Kemal Bayirbag
Dept. of Political Science & Public Administration
Middle East Technical University (Turkey)

Summer 2018

Mark Thomas
Department of Sociology
Director of the Global Labour Research Centre
York University

Winter 2018

Luis Llambi
Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (Venezuela)

Fall 2017

Simten Cosar
Faculty of Communication
Hacettepe University, Ankara (Turkey)

Fall 2016

Harriet Friedmann
Depts. of Geography & Sociology & Fellow
Munk School of Global Affairs
University of Toronto

Winter 2017

David Blaney
G. Theodore Mitau Professor of Political Science
Macalester College (US)

Winter 2016

Richard Westra
Political Science & Graduate School of Law
Nagoya University (Japan)

Summer 2015

John Rapley
University of Cambridge

Winter 2015

Meg Luxton
School of Gender, Sexuality, & Women’s Studies
York University

Summer 2014

Marianne Marchand
Research Chair in International Relations
Universidad de las Americas-Puebla (Mexico)

Fall 2013

Kevin Farnsworth
Department of Sociology
University of Sheffield (UK)

Summer 2013

Matthew Coleman
Department of Geography
Ohio State University

Winter 2013

Teresa Healy
Senior Researcher
Canadian Labour Congress

Summer 2012

Neil Bradford
Department of Political Science
Huron College
University of Western Ontario

Winter 2012

Jane Parpart
International Development Studies
Dalhousie University

Summer 2011

Andrew Biro
CRC in Political Ecology and Environmental Political Theory
Department of Political Science
Acadia University

Winter 2011

Kate Bedford
Kent Law School
University of Kent (UK)

Summer 2010

Jeffrey Ayres
Political Science
St. Michael’s University (US)

Winter 2010

Asha Varadharajan
Department of English
Queen’s University

Fall 2009

Diane Elson
Department of Sociology
University of Essex (UK)

Winter 2009

Johannes Schmidt
Development and International Relations
University of Aalborg (Denmark)

Fall 2008

David B. Moore
Anthropology and Development Studies
University of Johannesburg (SA)

Tom Juravich, Director
Labor Relations Research Center
University of Massachusetts-Amherst (US)

Winter 2007

John Holmes
Department of Geography
Queen’s University

Fall 2006

Jai Sen, Director

Fall 2005

Jeffrey Ayres
Department of Political Science
St. Michael’s University (US)

Fall 2005

Fuat Keyman
Department of International Relations
Koc University (Turkey)

Winter 2005

Ursula Huws
International Labour Studies
London Metropolitan University (UK)

Fall 2004

Julian Saurin
Department of International Relations
University of Sussex (UK)

Fall 2003

Pavla Miller
Global Studies
RMIT University, Melbourne (Australia)

Jock McCulloch
Global Studies
RMIT University, Melbourne (Australia)

Summer 2003

William Carroll
Department of Sociology
University of Victoria

Summer 2002

Guglielmo Carchedi
Department of Economics
University of Amsterdam (NL)

Winter 2002

Lorna Weir
Department of Sociology
York University

Summer 2001

Barry Hindess
Department of Political Science
Australian National University (Australia)

Summer 1999

Isabella Bakker
Department of Political Science
York University

Fall 1998

Catherine Kingfisher
Department of Women’s and Gender Studies
University of Waikato (New Zealand)

Fall 1997

Patricia Connelly
Department of Sociology and International Development
Saint Mary’s University

Fall 1996

Margit Mayer
Department of Political Science
Free University Berlin (Germany)

Summer 1996

Mel Watkins
Departments of Economics & Political Science
University of Toronto

Winter 1996

Robert Hollands
Department of Sociology
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (UK)

Fall 1995

Hugh Armstrong, Coordinator
Health Research Project
Ontario Federation of Labour

Summer 1995

John Saul
Social Science
York University

Colin Bundy, Director
Institute for Historical Research
University of the Western Cape (SA

Cherry Clayton
Department of English
University of Guelph

Linzi Manicom
Department of Women’s and Gender Studies
University of Toronto

Winter 1995

Katherine Gibson
Department of Geography
Monash University (Australia)

Fall 1994

Colin Leys
Department of Political Studies
Queen’s University

Summer 1994

Mel Watkins
Departments of Economics & Political Science
University of Toronto

Winter 1994

Eleanor MacDonald
Department of Political Studies
Queen’s University

Fall 1993

Andrew Martin
Center for European Studies
Harvard University (US)

Summer 1993

Sheila Rowbotham
Department of Sociology
University of Manchester (UK)

Winter 1993

Goran Ahrne
Department of Sociology
Stockholm University (Sweden)

Summer 1992

Pat Armstrong
Department of Sociology
York University

Winter 1992

Amitav Rath, Director
Policy Research International

Fall 1991

George Ross
Labour and Social Thought
Brandeis University (US)

Summer 1991

Anne Showstack Sassoon
Faculty of Human Sciences
Kingston Polytechnic (UK)

Winter 1991

Johanna Brenner
Women’s Studies
Portland State University (US)

Summer 1990

Robin Murray
Institute of Development Studies
University of Sussex (UK)

Summer 1989

Robin Blackburn (UK)

Summer 1988

Mike Davis (US)

Summer 1987

Alain Lipietz
Centre d’Études Prospectives d’Économie Mathématique Appliquées à la Planification, Paris (France)

Summer 1986

Patricia Marchak
University of British Columbia

Summer 1985

Michèle Barrett,
The City University of London (UK)

Mary Macintosh
University of Essex (UK)

Peter Bihari
Karl Marx University, Budapest (Hungary)

Summer 1984

Ralph Miliband (UK)

Summer 1983

Guglielmo Carchedi
University of Amsterdam (NL)