february 25th: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Introduction from Dr. Justin Paulson, and Keynote Address from Dr. Lindsey McKay   11:00 AM - 12:30 PM: Digital & Data Capitalism, moderated by Michael Campbell Francis Dawson, From Financialization to Datafication: Tracing the (Dis)Continuities in Global Capitalism Benjamin Faveri, Private Auditors & Emerging Artificial Intelligence Governance: A Thematic Case Study Analysis Alex R. Quesnel, The Commodification of Data Labour Under Platform Capitalism: Liberal & Critical Approaches to Remuneration  1:30 PM - 3:00 PM: The Politics of Care, Gender, & Sexuality, moderated by Dr. Jane Stinson Sydney Chapados, Neoliberal Social Work in Canada: Homo-Economicus, Empowerment, & Citizenry Mark Johnson, Women’s Participation & Representation in Canadian Politics: The Influence of the Electoral System Kenya Thompson: Rationalities of Care, & Neoliberalism: How Cooperative Childcare Centres Disentangle the State from Single Motherhood  3:30 PM - 5:00 PM: Accessibility & Affordability: Wealth Inequality & Housing, moderated by Allan Moscovitch Flavia Nepomuceno L. Alves, Universal Basic Income: A Game Theory Approach Alexander Miller, The Financialization of the Canadian Housing System Sneha Sumanth, Towers in the Horizon, Spaces of Home: Reframing Toronto’s Housing Crisis Declan Walker, The Crisis of Labour Party Politics in Ontario and the United Kingdom in the Neoliberal Era: A Comparative Political Economy Analysis  3:30 PM - 5:00 PM: Capitalism, Consumption, & Crisis, moderated by Randall Germain Michael E. Campbell, Displacing Political Hegemony: How the Global Market Has Developed into an Alternative Source of Authority in International Relations Deborah Komarnisky, (Un)Masking Reward-Centric Capitalism: A Discussion on Loyalty Reward Cards, Consumers, & Brand Loyalty in the Retail Market Casey Pender, Under the Veil of Ignorance, Perhaps I’m a Cow Mohammad Salah Uddin, Offshore Tax Evasions: Understanding the Loopholes in the Canadian System & Prevention Through Transparency & Information Sharing  february 26th: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Labour & Justice: Towards Worker Solidarity, moderated by Lauren Montgomery Milan Bernard, Solidarity as Justice: Towards an Ethic of Solidarity Clay Duncalfe, Canadian Workers & Capital Under Neoliberalism: Limitations & Possibilities for Canada’s Labour Movement in the 21 st Century Taylor Maudlin, Precarity in the Food Service Industry: Intersections of Race, Class, & Gender Danielle Saj, Mobilizing Long-Term Care Workers  11:00 AM-12:30 PM: Colonialism & Necropolitics in Global Contexts, moderated by Dr. Cristina Rojas Alberto C. B. Souza, Brazil in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Necropolitcal Dystopia in a Racial Democracy Fairytale Andrew Costa, People Get What They Deserve”: Necropolitical Consultation in the Covid - 19 Pandemic Carole Therrien, Mass Tourism in the West Indies: Contemporary Colonialism in the Caribbean  1:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Protest & Politics: Mobilizing Resistance, moderated by Melissa Haussman Charlotte Ciavarella, Hydrosociality & Power in the Struggle Over the Ishiki Dam Cihan Erdal, Resisting Neoliberalism: Investigating Activist Youth Experiences in Europe in the 2010s Abram Lutes, After Neoliberalism, Populism?   3:30 PM - 5:00 PM: Precarity & Pay: Im/Migration & Labour in Canada, moderated by Alberto Carneiro Dora Chan, Permanently Temporary? The Status of Migrant Agricultural Workers in Canada Alex MacLellan, Toward a Humane Human Capital Model: The Evolving Problematization of Canada’s Immigration Policy Avee Purohit, Social & Economic Integration of Immigrants in Canada Annie Yeo, Canada’s Pandemic “Hero Pay”: How Workers are Still the Victims

Thank you to everyone who submitted to our conference, to our generous moderators and sponsors!

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