Amina Kane
International development, global finance and environmental sustainability
Before beginning your studies at the Institute of Political Economy where did you study and what program(s) were you enrolled in?
I studied at the University of Winnipeg and completed my bachelors in International Development Studies with a double major in Business Administration.
What is it specifically that attracted you to study Political Economy at Carleton?
The interdisciplinary nature of the program and the small program size gives you the opportunity to build your courses based on your interested, but you also feel like you known the staff and your cohort.
My areas of research interest include…
International development & international law, global finance and environmental sustainability.
What activities have you been involved in lately?
I’ve worked for INGO for the past two years, currently most of my time has been dedicated to my studies and just trying to get back into the swing of school.
What advice would you give to a prospective Political Economy graduate student?
Communicate with department heads(Donna Coghill and Cristina Rojas) as they give amazing advice and information needed to succeed in the program. If you don’t already, start enjoying reading, because you will be doing a whole lot of it.