Andre Carazza
Financial citizenship, critical pedagogy, history of soccer, and the Global South.
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Before beginning your studies at the Institute of Political Economy where did you study and what program(s) were you enrolled in?
I have a MA in Education (University of São Paulo/USP). I also have a BA in History (Federal University of Minas Gerais) and a BA in Education (State University of Minas Gerais).
What is it specifically that attracted you to study Political Economy at Carleton?
The possibility to look at the world through a critical and interdisciplinary lens.
My areas of research interest include…
Financial citizenship, critical pedagogy, history of soccer, and the Global South.
What activities have you been involved in lately? (work placement, work experience, Undergraduate research, research positions, volunteer work, awards, travel, favourite books)
I work for the Central Bank of Brazil, specifically dealing with the challenges faced by citizens in the financial system. I also have experience working on education projects in Brazil.
What advice would you give to a prospective Political Economy graduate student?
Enjoy the journey with generosity, curiosity, and enthusiasm. You will learn so much from a lot of different people. Try to create something helpful and beautiful from this experience.