Photo of Jessica Gamarnik

Jessica Gamarnik

Intergenerational poverty in the Global South, poverty alleviation programs, Mexico

Before beginning your studies at the Institute of Political Economy where did you study and what program(s) were you enrolled in?

I completed my undergraduate degree in Economics with a Minor in Political Science at Carleton University.

What is it specifically that attracted you to study Political Economy at Carleton?

The Institute of Political Economy offered me the opportunity to add a more human side to what I had learned during undergrad through understanding the ways in which politics and discourse shape our understanding of the economy and labour.

My areas of research interest include…

My research is focused on intergenerational poverty in the Global South and poverty alleviation programs, specifically the Prospera program in Mexico and the burden it places on mothers.

What activities have you been involved in lately?

This past summer I was enrolled in a month long Spanish immersion program in Oaxaca, Mexico to improve my communication skills while also networking for future prospective research opportunities. After serving as a teaching assistant steward for CUPE 4600 in the Economics department, I was elected as the Co-Vice President for the TA unit of the union. I am currently working part-time at Employment and Social Development Canada in the Labour Program as a Researcher while completing my thesis.

What advice would you give to a prospective Political Economy graduate student?

The Institute is a space for people from different backgrounds and perspectives to come together and learn in an environment which fosters growth and critical thinking. Beyond this, the best thing about this environment is the support network available to us as students through our peers, staff at the Institute and all the teachers you meet along the way. I have always found help when I’ve reached out and asked for it.