Exciting Publishing and Volunteer Opportunity with the Carleton Undergraduate Journal of Science (CUJS)
Have you written an essay, review article, research paper, or infographic for your course and want to get more out of it than just a grade? Consider submitting your work to CUJS, an open-access journal within Carleton’s Faculty of Science!
For publication, CUJS is seeking well-cited, scholarly work in STEM or related topics. Published work will be available to read on our website and will receive a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), allowing you to include this publication on your CV. If you are interested in having your work published*, visit https://ojs.library.carleton.ca/index.php/CUJS to make a submission.
*Please note that while all students are welcome to submit their work, not all work may be suitable for publication.
We are also accepting applications for volunteer editors, peer reviewers, copyeditors, graphic designers, and social media managers. To learn more and apply, visit https://ojs.library.carleton.ca/index.php/CUJS/join_the_team. This is a great way to learn about the publication process and your involvement with CUJS can be listed on your CV.