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Sexual Violence Policy Review: Drafting Phase

To all Members of the Carleton Community,

As previously announced in the fall, we launched a broad and inclusive consultation process to review the Sexual Violence Policy. This review is conducted every three years to fulfill the provincial mandate and to help us to ensure our policy is as responsive and supportive to the community as possible. As we continue to follow the consultation work plan and move into the next phase of the Sexual Violence Policy consultation process, I would like to thank everyone who has provided feedback on the policy throughout the listening phase.

During the listening phase, three main themes emerged from the feedback received regarding policy administration, response, and prevention and education. As part of our commitment to providing a transparent process, we have posted a report outlining the feedback received. After carefully reviewing this feedback and the feedback we previously received, as identified in the consultation work plan, we have now published a draft version of the revised Sexual Violence Policy with tracked changes.

I encourage all members of the Carleton community to review the revised draft of the policy and to provide additional feedback and comments either on the consultation website or by email at

Throughout the consultation, we received a lot of feedback on sexual violence prevention and education on our campus. We are well-positioned to look at this feedback with the Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Committee (SVPEC) and will be sharing what we heard with the SVPEC for inclusion in Honouring Each Other: Building consent cultures on campus, together.

Additional consultation meetings and information and feedback sessions will also be held over the next couple of weeks to allow the community to give additional feedback on the proposed changes. Additional sessions and individual meetings will be made available upon request for any key stakeholder groups or individuals. Requests can be submitted to Feedback on the revised draft of the policy will continue to be collected until April 8, 2022.

I would like to thank everyone for your participation in this process and look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with the entire community throughout this important review.


Suzanne Blanchard
Vice-President (Students and Enrolment)