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MPP-SE Current Students

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MPP-SE Website

There are many opportunities to get involved during your time at the Carleton. Some ways are detailed on the Get Involved page.

Visit the Carleton Scheduling and Examination Services to view the Exam Schedule. Please also feel free to reach out to the graduate administrator if you have any questions.

Degree Requirements

All the degree requirements for the MA in Sustainable Energy are outlined in the Graduate Calendar. The program does offer opportunities to conduct independent research as part of the elective options. Please check with the graduate administrator early in your program about these options for advice on how to proceed.

Awards and Funding

Carleton offers a variety of funding opportunities to our students. New and current students can apply for several internal, external and special awards.

Application deadlines vary. Students should consult the specifics of the awards to understand the eligibility requirements, application materials, and necessary internal deadlines. More information on these opportunities can be found here.


For more than a decade, students from the School have run a peer reviewed journal — ISEMA: Perspectives on Innovation, Science & Environment — focused on sustainability policy issues. Reach out to the editorial team if you are keen to get involved in the journal’s editorial work.


Carleton Perspectives on Public Policy (CPoPP) is another student-run journal that has a wider focus than ISEMA. It still publishes work on sustainability topics and offers many chances to participate as members of its editorial team. Read some of the journal’s back issues to be inspired by the work. Reach out to the editorial team if you want to get involved.

Career Services

Carleton’s career services website is a wealth of information and opportunities for students looking for help with job searches or career advice. Career services offers one-on-one advising sessions, help with job searches, and career and networking events.